Items may be returned in person or placed in the book drop outside after hours. Renewals can be done in person or by phone. Patrons will be charged for unreturned, lost or damaged items.
Overdue Fines
(per day)
Books – 20¢
Audiobooks – 20¢
Magazines – 20¢
ILL Items – 50¢
DVD’s – $1.00
Hotspots – $5.00
Any special room hours?
The Interlibrary Loan Program helps San Augustine Public Library provide cardholders with materials that are not in the library’s collection, some restrictions apply. In order to request ILL materials, patrons must have an active library card for at least six months and be in good standing. Up to two ILL items may be borrowed at one time. Due dates are established by the lending library. Patron is required to pay the cost of having the requested book shipped to our library (usually around $5). A fine of 50¢ per day will be charged for overdue ILL items.
to send: $1.00 per page
to receive: 20¢ per page